Monday, May 26, 2008

Have faith in God

There are dimensions of faith…faith must pass the test of discouragement. Faith don’t need details... if God gives you something to do just move out.

Don’t be weary in well doing you will reap IF you don’t faint. It takes faith to move out and do something. God don’t need money to bring you out He need faith.

Its great to be saved, and transformed from a sinner to a son that is your position - but unless you take your faith to another level your condition will remain the same, keeping you broke, sick, unhappy and stuck.

John 10:10 ...Jesus said I came that you might have life more abundantly

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Christian doctrine on gay unions'

A Christian woman is faced with losing her job for refusing to officiate gay marriage...
Registrar Lillian Ladele 'faced sack for obeying Christian doctrine on gay unions' -Times Online

Monday, May 19, 2008

Religion and Obama

Christian presidential hopeful Barack Obama lets the world know he is a Christian and the word of God says don't be a hearer of the word only but a do-er...James 1:23

Surly he is doing what God has called him to do.
Obama and the cross: A double standard? : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times

Friday, May 16, 2008

DeGeneres, de Rossi plan to marry, What does God think about it?

AP Photo

Ellen DeGeneres, plans to marry her girlfriend since same sex couples are now free to jump the broom. I like Ellen but all I can say is Oh my GOD...

Isaiah 60: "Darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people.
DeGeneres, de Rossi plan to marry, AP is told - Yahoo! News

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is God pleased ? California overturns gay marriage

Woman asks another Woman " will you marry me" as a California Court now says its OK for Men to marry Men and women to marry women...No matter what man approves, the question remains "Is God Pleased"?

After all God is the One that instituted marriage so in the end let Him be the judge.

Romans 1:28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge He gave them over to a reprobate mind...
California's top court overturns gay marriage ban - Yahoo! News

Beyond the riches of this temporary life on earth

Unless the Spirit of God puts eternity in our heart where will we be...its so easy to get tied up in comfort, luxury and temporary material things that this world has to offer.

Romans 12: says "do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" too many instances we find our focus on success and prosperity of this world... there is a reason Jesus said "My Kingdom is Not of this world" .

Unfortunately, living a righteous kingdom lifestyle seems strange to many but the truth is unless the world has the power to write your name in the “Lambs book of eternal life“, its better to please God than man. However, you must first you must come to know who He is for yourself.

Nevertheless, the more I see the gospel of prosperity on TV and its starting to appear more like Christian motivational speaking and is becoming more difficult to tell the difference between the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspirational feel good (everything is all good) thinking -

Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that SEEMS right to man but the end is death.