Thursday, February 24, 2005

There's a new church rising that the world has never seen

Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven... There is a big difference between the "church" as we see it today, and the "Kingdom of God". As Christians, we the "body of Christ" are the church. "Don't you know your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit". (1Corinthians 6:19) and the Kingdom of God is in you.

As the world continues to spin we expect to see corruption and ungodliness in a world walking in darkness, but not in the institution we call "the church", however that's exactly is happening. But the word of God lets us know that whats done in the dark will come into the light. Too many of the so-called Spiritual Leaders representing God are the very ones misrepresenting Him in the eyes of those who don't know Him. But as sure as day turns into night there is a division coming between the Church's religious insitution, which is just a "form of godliness" and the reality of the "Kingdom of God".

In Matthew 24:1 Jesus is walking away from the temple and He tells His disciples as they pointed out to Him the beauty of the temple. He said "not one stone would be left unturned" In other words, that "man made" temple is coming down. But His church in going to build by Him not according to man's wisdom or flesh and blood, but by revelation knowledge from God, of who He is... and the very gates of hell shall not prevail against it!

If you would check the history of that temple He is speaking about in Matthew 24:1- you will find that it was built by Herod, under his influence, for his own "political reasons". Even though it was beautiful on the outside and on the inside there was a place called the "holy of holies" but inside that room the "ark of the covenant" was missing, and it was just a mere "form of godliness" but the real glory of God was not there. (sound familiar)

There's a new church rising that the world has never seen!

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