If we don't take heed the church is headed for self- destruction by self- deception
The majority of My church is not worshiping Me; they are worshipping man, and his gods image, which is gold... Daniel 3:1-7 and doing it in My name deceiving many, because the people have eyes but cant see and ears but cant hear.
"My people are destroyed due to of lack of knowledge" Is a word the Lord spoke to those in leadership position, the "priest", not the people. Hosea 4:6...
Much of church leadership are well meaning people but the problem is when you're walking in what has been passed down for years as truth, a way that seems right, but is merely tradition of men appearing as truth, its called "deception"
Could it be that after all our programs, events, services, prophesying, casting out devils and doing many wonders in the name of Jesus... Just like He prophesied in Matthew 7:21-23... With all our celebrations, appreciations, denominations & organizations we still don't know Him.
God said in Hosea 4:6 the people perished because the priest did not know God, and it's the same thing Jesus said; to those in leadership position with all these things you call yourself doing for Me, in My name, "I never knew you".
He went on to say "Not everyone that says "Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven" And as the psalmist wrote "There is a way that seems right to men, but the end of that way is destruction"
The writing is on the wall we can read it and take heed and repent asking God for wisdom and direction or we can keep on being prideful and having church as usual.
The watchman has blown the trumpet and warned the people. Ezekiel 33 the sword is coming... Jesus said I did not come to bring peace but a sword, Matthew 10:34. There is a division coming between religion and the Kingdom of God .
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