It's times like these that make you so grateful that you are walking in the LIGHT knowing the One and Only True God our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ who has given us eternal life JOHN 17:3... He gives us revelation knowledge in His Word... EPHESIANS 6:12 that we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and spiritual wickedness of the darkness of this world... So we are not offended by the many cartoons and jokes that have been made about Him by the hands of man. This reminds me of the time in MATTHEW 26:47-54 when Peter pulled out his sword and cut a man's ear off to defend Jesus. But Jesus picked up the his ear and healed him, then told Peter to put his sword away. Not that Jesus was a pacifist but that HE was laying His life down. So we have an understanding that God is ALMIGHTY and does NOT need man to protect Him or His image and He does not fight as those do walking in darkness and void of understanding, but instead we are to pray for them to see the light.
BBC NEWS World Middle East What the Muhammad cartoons portray
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