Thursday, November 30, 2006

Church Is Urged to Disinvite Obama -

Yes God is against abortion, He is also against liars, fornicators, etc... not to mention those who do not "Walk in Love". Jesus said "he who is without sin throw the first stone".

Many times people are clueless when it comes to TRUTH and what Jesus was really all about. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". ROMANS 3:23

Jesus talked with sinners and prostitutes, even thieves. He told religious leaders "those who are NOT sick do not need a Physician" and guess who is called the great Physician?

Yes that's right Jesus Christ Himself. Also Mr. Obama is a Christian, the only difference is he is going into all the world and talking with people instead of at them, becoming a bridge instead of a wall.

Church Is Urged to Disinvite Obama -

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