If we simply focus on gaining temporary things everything we do, no matter how good our intentions are, will simply be nothing more than vanity, grasping at the wind.
Today more than ever before old traditional mentalities must take a back seat to the new wine God is pouring out from heaven on His people as He continues to shake the world’s economic systems that we once put our faith in.
If we are going to be positioned to take place in what God is doing in the earth, we must have ears to hear and eyes to see. There must be a radical departure from traditional ritualistic Sunday and mid week church program mentalities, and into living more of an accurate kingdom life style.
“Repent or think again for the kingdom of God is at hand”, is the message John the Baptist came with, and it’s that same communication God is speaking today. No more church business as usual as we now know it, change is in the atmosphere.
It’s becoming more apparent that we are living in the mist of a dark, dying materialistic carnal world, and it is our right and responsibility to help usher others into the finishing mindset, as we set our minds on the things that are above.