Monday, April 06, 2009

Darkness and the Diva (Divo) Deception

1John 1; 6 God is light and in Him there is NO darkness at all.

Divo (male Diva)Actor Dwight Eubanks from the show Atlanta Housewives says he is getting married to a woman! His lady is fine with his mixed sexuality. According to an article written in Essence he says "Most of the men around here are gay, lying to their wives, slipping and dipping and all that, but it is what it is. You have to enjoy life, and that’s what I am doing"

First of all, I give him credit for his honesty so women are not going into the relationship blindly, and my prayers are with him and his soon to be bride that God would open their eyes to the eternal darkness of this lifestyle.

For me there is nothing in this temporary earth worth losing my eternal soul over.

Dear Dwight whatever you do I hope you "live forever and never die" but since we all know one day that last sand is going to drop out of your hour glass, its my hope for you that you get it right on this side.

Isaiah 60: "Darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people...

Dwight Eubanks: “Housewives” Star Confirms Engagement to Woman - "divo extraordinaire for romantic liaisons"

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