If a Muslim leader in Iran can see how powerful words are and even make a decree, that no one in their country will be allowed to continue to use
foreign words, then how much more, should Christians wake up and realize that
God does NOT want His "Holy" people intermixing using the world's foreign words.
John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word and the Word with God and the Word was God".
Taking His "Holy" Word and adding it to worlds word "hip hop" brings on their culture, lifestyle and their god... Seemingly harmless words. Calling our Christian youth music "Holy Hip Hop" using the
worlds words like "Divas" when God has called us "Daughters", not to mention taking on the word
BLING/Money, which is also a part of the "spirit of mammon/money"who they serve that comes with it and will cause them to worship the Bling/mammon, just as the world does instead of the King of Kings.
Music is a very powerful force and comes with great influence and who knows that any better than Lucifer himself. Nevertheless, music is a gift from God but we can no longer settle and tag along with the world... Not discerning the power of those words are also bringing their ways and their god which is mammon/money.
Jesus said you can not serve God and mammon/money at the same time.
Why try to be "hip" by hopping into the world, we must become more creative and design our own Godly biblical language so our youth can have a sense of boldness, daring to be different, not feeling pressure from the world to conform to their language.
It's time for the world to get hip to the knowledge of God's word. We have been called to transform and perfume the planet with the fragrance of Christ, not become a stench in the nostrils of
God by following the world.
"We are not ignored of the wiles of the devil"...or are we? He is very sutle, yet very effective, causing our young and old alike to conform his worlds system...And the scary part is most of us don't have ears to hear, or eyes to see it.
In these last days it's going to take "spiritual discerning" to really SEE beyond the operations of the natural into the spirit realm to have a closer look at those
seemly harmless words.
It is time for the church to wake up!!!! Read the book of Genesis 11: The whole earth used the
same language and the
same words. This was NOT what
God wanted, so He came down to confuse their language and called it Babel.
He planned for His people to be Holy and separated with the ability to live in a world that they were not of... As a chosen generation, royal priesthood, a Holy Nation separated to Himself.
We must also make a decree, that we will no longer continue in this pattern, speaking the the worlds foreign language, when God has given us our own. Salt that loses it flavor is worthless!
"While men slept, an enemy came and sowed tare among the wheat"
Iranian leader bans usage of foreign words - Yahoo! News