Friday, May 26, 2006

Concerns Over Da Vinci's Impact in Arab World | Christian News Online , Christian World News

This book/movie has been written by a mere man and is not a concern for those who know the TRUTH and those who know the truth are set free. Jesus said "IAM the way the TRUTH and the LIFE". This movie is just another fulfillment of prophecy of the end times.

Our real concern should be on the Book written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which is the Bible. In the book of Daniel 12:10, it says that "none of the wicked will understand but the wise will understand"

The question we all need to ask ourselves is "Has my name been written in God's Book of eternal life"?

More Concerns Raised Over da Vinci's Impact in Arab World Christian News Online , Christian World News

Making church a work of artists | Chicago Tribune

In the beginning God created the heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1) He is the original Artist of all . A church building can not hold Him, finally people are allowing God to be expressed in their everyday life to be the Creator that He truly is... it's refreshing to see we are letting the Almighty Creator of all out of our religious boxes.

Making church a work of artists Chicago Tribune

Thursday, May 11, 2006

USATODAY- The divine Miss Winfrey?

Ms Winfrey may be a good person but there is a difference between being good and being righteous... And no man is righteous but God. No matter how great people are we are still only flesh and blood and one day... rich or poor young or old, we all have the same fate coming and that is death of this temporary life and have the need for eternal life. And that can only be found in Christ Jesus...(JOHN 17:3) it does not matter if we believe it or not... God's word is still true and "truth is not debatible".

We know that men are please with her good work, so keep the good work up, but here's the question "Is God pleased" and is He getting the glory? "With all your getting get understanding" PROVERBS 4:7 - The divine Miss Winfrey?