Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Wisdom of God

We need the wisdom of God to see His true divine blueprint for human beings. He created man in His image (Genesis 1:26) . It’s mandatory for mankind to be in tuned into the eternal purpose of establishing the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

If we simply focus on gaining temporary things everything we do, no matter how good our intentions are, will simply be nothing more than vanity, grasping at the wind.

Today more than ever before old traditional mentalities must take a back seat to the new wine God is pouring out from heaven on His people as He continues to shake the world’s economic systems that we once put our faith in.

If we are going to be positioned to take place in what God is doing in the earth, we must have ears to hear and eyes to see. There must be a radical departure from traditional ritualistic Sunday and mid week church program mentalities, and into living more of an accurate kingdom life style.

“Repent or think again for the kingdom of God is at hand”, is the message John the Baptist came with, and it’s that same communication God is speaking today. No more church business as usual as we now know it, change is in the atmosphere.

It’s becoming more apparent that we are living in the mist of a dark, dying materialistic carnal world, and it is our right and responsibility to help usher others into the finishing mindset, as we set our minds on the things that are above.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Wake Up Everybody - for God's sake

Wake up everybody no more sleeping in bed no more backward thinking time for thinking ahead the world has changed so very much from what it used to be there is so much hatred war and pcverty... Time is running out

This is very prophetic and one of my favorite songs from 1975 just like it was writtent today in 2009.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Religious life won't be the same after downturn

AP Photo

The world's recession may have an affect on Religion, but the Kingdom of God is not a religion. The Kingdom of God is Truth, therefore heaven and earth may pass away but God said His word will stand forever. Matthew 4:4 Jesus said "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Religious life won't be the same after downturn - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ministers Their Wives and Their Mistresses -

In a article written in Essence the wife of Fred Price speaks about her new book on religion and infidelity...
Dr. Betty Price: Warning to Ministers Their Wives and Their Mistresses -

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Christian youth launches Facebook-inspired Christian t-shirts

Youth from London starts a line of clothing wants to know from there friends on Facebook, is your Face in the Book of Life??? I'm Lovin it!

Christian youth launches Facebook-inspired t-shirt range - Christian T-Shirts, Hoodies, Christian Shirts And Clothing, Religious T Shirts, Christian apparel

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Agape International Spiritual Center

One of the frequently asked questions for the Agape Church ( Spiritual Center) was, "is Agape Christian? The answer given was yes and no????

Jesus said in Matthew 5:37 let your yes be yes and your no be no

FAQ's - Agape International Spiritual Center

King Lebron James???

King LBJ and his image??? humm...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Episcopalians: Bishops can bless same-sex unions - Yahoo! News

Man can allow whatever he wants, the question remains, "is God pleased" because in the end He is the One every one will have to answer to.

Episcopalians: Bishops can bless same-sex unions - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Human sperm produced from embryo stem cells | 2009 News | The Christian Institute

Scientific study has found a way to create human sperm, so now it looks like they can become the creator of human life instead of God the One who created man N His Image.

Humm...I wonder what God has to say about that, unless they can also stop man from dying one day they are going to have to answer to God.
Human sperm produced from embryo stem cells 2009 News The Christian Institute

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Jackson's hospital is known for 'raising the dead' - Yahoo! News

Dr at UCLA is known for raising the dead??? I guess it's possible but, even if man can save a life, one day we all have to die and it makes no difference,young, old, rich or poor, only Jesus Christ can save your eternal soul.

The question is, is it well with your soul? I pray Michael Jackson knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior. There is no doubt he was gifted by God and we will miss him, but his music and memories will live on for generations to come.

Jackson's hospital is known for 'raising the dead' - Yahoo! News

Friday, June 05, 2009

Twittering in Church, with the Pastor's O.K.

A Pastor spends two weeks teaching the congregation how to use Twitter... they brought in their laptops, iPhones and BlackBerrys.
Like Mary (the Mother of Jesus) said to the servants at the wedding in Cana when the wine ran out (John 2:5) "What ever He says to you, do it".
Twittering in Church, with the Pastor's O.K. - TIME

Have the Days of Christian Media Come and Gone?

The question is has the written word of God come and gone? The answer is absolutely not. The truth of the matter is the printing industry that made billions with newspapers and magazines are now history. We no longer live in the industrial age we live in the information age.

Life has changed but the Word of God will stand forever and the work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is eternal. We have new digital media, a shift has happened people have left the brick and mortar business and gone online.

Perhaps they should have taken their magazine live online, nevertheless its still not to late to make that happen, people have and always will be seeking for truth, you simply have to hear from God then move with the cloud.

Have the Days of Christian Media Come and Gone? Newsweek BeliefWatch: Lisa Miller

Proof God Exists

"The things that are seen, have been made by the things which are not seen". Look at the beauty of God's earth all around it speaks for itself.

The sun, moon, stars, mountains, ocean all have been created by God Himself (Genesis 1)Do we have proof we will live to see another day before meeting God.?

As Jesus told a religious leader in John 3:1-3 "unless you are born again you can not see the Kingdom of God". Only God can reveal truth to you, men can bring tradition and religion taking you discovering a personal relationship with God for yourself out of it. God is not religious, God is God men are religion its not about religion, its about truth and truth is not a religion.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. John 14:6 - My prayer is that God opens your eyes to see His Kingdom, because the Kingdom of God is the real eternal world.

Monday, June 01, 2009


31 year old Brian Deese said he slept in the parking lot of the G. M. plant in Lordstown, Ohio,” on his way driving to Washington DC he recalled. That giant plant, opened during G.M.’s heyday where the Pontiac G5 is produced, now under Mr. Deese's plan, Pontiac will disappear. “I guess that was prophetic,” he said.

I wonder what else is prophetic. God will do nothing in the earth unless He reveals it to His servants the Prophets.

The-31-Year-Old-in-Charge-of-Dismantling-G.M.: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lionel Richie: No rush for pregnant Nicole to marry -

Lionel Richie and his daughter Nicole talks to Larry King as she prepares to have her 2nd baby by her boyfriend Joe who she says is "very Christian" when asked about getting married she said that's not important.

What I find so amazing is gay men are fighting for the right to marry their gay boyfriends and gay women are fighting for the right to marry their gay girlfriend, while men and women that God created to unite for the two to become one, be fruitful and multiply, don't think getting married is important.

Humm...what's wrong with that picture????

Isaiah 60; Darkness shall cover the earth and DEEP darkness the people...

Lionel Richie: No rush for pregnant Nicole to marry -

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mel Gibson's Girlfriend Is Pregnant

Mel Gibson the director of the movie "Passion of Christ" marriage with his wife of 28 years and 7 children ended and he announced on Jay Leno his new girlfriend is pregnant.

When asked by Jay Leno will they get married he says, "why get married twice"?

Men may mean well but in the end remember what Jesus said
John 14:6 "I am the Way the Truth and the life" keep your eyes on Jesus Christ not man.

Kanye West Pens Words Of Wisdom

Kanye West wrote a book on Words of Wisdom...??? he is a great artist all that is good... but listen to what the Apostle Paul says in the word of God - 1 Corinthians 2

1 brethren, when I came to you, I did not come with excellency of speech or of wisdom of men declaring unto you the testimony of God.

2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, except JESUS CHRIST, and him crucified.

3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.

4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in
demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

Kanye West Pens Words Of Wisdom - CBS News

Sunday, May 24, 2009

When God’s Truth Can Not Compete with Mans lies!

We live in a prophetic day that has already been prophesied that Truth or sound doctrine will be rejected. Therefore we see today that the truth of God cannot compete with the lies of men.

2 Timothy 4:3 - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
In our world today most people would rather hear a lie about getting rich quick, or listening to lies about someone saying they love you when they don’t, than hearing the Truth that they really only want is to use you, or if you have faith in God, work hard stay focused that all things will work together for good no matter how tuff things get.

The word of the Lord says, when you go through the fire He will be with you, or those that wait on the Lord He will renew your strength, or don’t be weary in well doing for in due season your will reap if you don’t faint, or after you have suffered a while then you will be established. etc…

God has given us His word and if we only believe we will receive every promise He made to us.
Nevertheless, it takes the grace of God and the will of man and we must allow God to deal with us on His terms and His Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth.

Psalms 145:18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him,To all who call upon Him in truth.

Princess pedestal: How many girls are on one?

AP Photo

There is nothing like keeping our children protected in a pure life style as long as we can but, there comes a time when they start to see everything in the pink Princess Image, it could in a very subtle way, promote the glamour, glitz, life style that could in the end let them down.

As much as reading fairy tales to our little girls can be good, there is a fine line that left unchecked, it could lead to some girls growing up becoming materialistic as they see celebrities living the fairy tale lifestyle and wondering why its not happening for them.

The word of God says in Proverbs 31:30 ..."Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain" but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Now that's something we as parents may want to pursuit for our children. To gain the knowledge of truth which will carry them far beyond the external beauty, which could prevent them from a lot of heart ache as they grow into young adults and see those pink fairy tales don't always come true.

Princess pedestal: How many girls are on one? - Yahoo! News

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jermaine Dupri’s Love For Janet Jackson Is Official … and Forever In Ink

Art is great but, on the body? Humm...

"That which is born of flesh is flesh that born of Spirit is Spirit"

Tattoos are external, perhaps Mr. Dupri should write Ms Jackson name on his heart and put a ring on her finger.
Dupri said it "hurt like hell." I pray he finds his TRUE Savior so he won't have to go there for eternity and that's no joke, because there is nothing like having millions on earth and being rich then losing your eternal life and dying broke.

The Bible bill?

The year of the Bible would be good to raise peoples consciouses level of God's written word but what would be even better is wanting to live it.

The Bible bill? - Yahoo! News

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is this Clothing line really an Imitation of Christ? I don't think so!

Isaiah 60 "Darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people"...

The Clothing line Imitation of Christ is the perfect example of this scripture. Nevertheless, I give the designer credit for being bold and doing what she feel, since a carnal mind has no ability to understand spiritual things.

This is latest symbol of darkness using the skull and bones road kill, its that dark trend that the fashion world is setting and the world is now following. My prayer is God open our eyes.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama pledges protections for credit-card users

Thank God for a righteous President with a heart for the people.
Obama pledges protections for credit-card users

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Way Miss California Answered Her Question Lost Her The Crown

Thank God for Miss California! Broad is the way to destruction but narrow is the way to eternal life and few find it.

She may have lost this world's temporary crown but she has an eternal crown that no man can take away. Therefore, since God is the One who established marriage to be between a man and a woman then whoever has a problem with that they need to see God about it.

Genesis 2:22

22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man."
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

1John 2:15 If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Perez Hilton: 'The Way Miss California Answered Her Question Lost Her The Crown' - omg! news on Yahoo!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Vatican decries reaction to pope's condom remarks - Yahoo! News

When the Pope makes a remark that one way to combat Aids is throught sexual responsiblity and monogamy then gets protested because of his remarks...something is really wrong.

Vatican decries reaction to pope's condom remarks - Yahoo! News

Thursday, April 09, 2009

President Obama invites friends, aides to seder dinner

As we celebrate the Exodus Passover of the children of Israel coming out of 400 years of Slavery in Egypt President Obama the first African American and Christian and friends of the Jewish, has the first ever Seder dinner in the White House as we also remember the death, burial and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Obama invites friends, aides to seder dinner

Monday, April 06, 2009

Darkness and the Diva (Divo) Deception

1John 1; 6 God is light and in Him there is NO darkness at all.

Divo (male Diva)Actor Dwight Eubanks from the show Atlanta Housewives says he is getting married to a woman! His lady is fine with his mixed sexuality. According to an article written in Essence he says "Most of the men around here are gay, lying to their wives, slipping and dipping and all that, but it is what it is. You have to enjoy life, and that’s what I am doing"

First of all, I give him credit for his honesty so women are not going into the relationship blindly, and my prayers are with him and his soon to be bride that God would open their eyes to the eternal darkness of this lifestyle.

For me there is nothing in this temporary earth worth losing my eternal soul over.

Dear Dwight whatever you do I hope you "live forever and never die" but since we all know one day that last sand is going to drop out of your hour glass, its my hope for you that you get it right on this side.

Isaiah 60: "Darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people...

Dwight Eubanks: “Housewives” Star Confirms Engagement to Woman - "divo extraordinaire for romantic liaisons"

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Are We Turning Our Tweens Into 'Generation Diva'?

What sad days we now live in when mothers have their 2 year old tot daughters getting their lip gloss and walking like sexy models for the cameras -- no wonder young people today seem to be lost with parents like this -- what do you expect?

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child the way he should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.

God help the next generation -- when mothers think its a good thing to call their little girls divas when they should be training them to be godly daughters.

Are We Turning Our Tweens Into 'Generation Diva'? | Newsweek The Diva Generation |

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Donnie McClurkin on the lifestyle of rich pastors -

Oh my God, thank you Pastor Donnie Mc Clurkin for speaking out and standing up for righteousness! It truly is a shame before God that some Preachers look more like Players than Shepard's. Jesus said "if you love me feed My Sheep" - not have them feeding you.

It is so clear today that the written word is being fulfilled. 2Timothy 3:1 "In the last days perilous times would come men would become lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant ..."

Matthew 7:23 Jesus said in the end many will say didn't I prophesy in Your Name, cast out Devils, in Your Name and do many wonders in Your Name and He said I will tell them depart from Me I Never Knew you.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul -- to me I see that could be preachers who may lead some people to the Lord, but in the end loses his own soul - now that's a real shame, heaven forbid.

Jesus said you can not serve God and mammon (money) at the same time.

Donnie McClurkin on the lifestyle of rich pastors -

Monday, March 30, 2009

KIRK FRANKLIN: Trying His "Best" for BET

I think Kirk may really love God but even more important God loves him. However there is an sly enemy of all men's souls. It's amazing how the church seems to fall into the entertainment model of the world. The show "Sunday Best" is following after the worldly TV show "American Idol" the word IDOL should give us a clue, not to follow it. The Kingdom of God is to be established on the earth as it is in heaven, not follow the world.

I have often wondered why do Christian Celebrities give glory to other Christians who are winners the the "worlds" Grammy Award?

Meanwhile, just like American Idol "Sunday Best " has Christian Celebrities sitting in the judgment seat judging Gods people singing for Him, determining who has the best voices so they can win contracts, cars and become rich and famous like the stars?

Chances are the producers and those giving the contracts will also make money off the winners too. And why is it that Christians seem to be so impressed by Divas and Grammy awards the world gives?(which Beyonce says "a Diva is a female version of a hustler")

The Word of God is clear, (John 15: 18) "the world loves its own" now the question is, if the world loves its own, but is giving Christian Celebrities awards, could they see the church as the world too?

Just a thought; Why did Jesus say (John 15 18-19) "the world will hate you because the hated Me first, If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you".

Could it be that some of the church is living in deception?

The more I see the condition of the church the more it looks like its in "Babylonian captivity" and don't even know it.

2Timothy 4:8
In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day;

Its time for the Church to WAKE UP and see we are living in perilous times. 2 Timothy - In the last days difficult times would come, men would become lovers of self, money, boastful, arrogant,...

2Timothy 3:13
all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

KIRK FRANKLIN: Trying His "Best" for BET - Entertainment Newswire Black Voices

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Luck is Running Out for MGM's CityCenter

It looks like Sin City is running out of luck as the economy is causing people to keep their money and selves at home. MGM's in the middle of a mega building project in the heart of Vegas can't seem to carry on sending their stock dropping 95%...Hummm

Luck is Running Out for MGM's CityCenter HotelChatter

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Ms Beyonce says "I am a Diva" -- A female version of a HUSTLER...but God sent His Son Jesus so she could become a daughter

Daughters of the most high God are NOT divas

Teach your children the word of God. There is nothing cute about being called a Diva/Hustler. God has created us "N His Image" don't allow the world to influnce the minds of your children, if you are a beliver in Christ Jesus your girls are daughters of the most high God not Divas, know who you are and teach them well.

The Image of God

Fashion has a very big influence on people young and old alike. Designer name brands unfortunately has branded the minds of many defining people according to what they wear as the determining factor as to who you are.

God (all by HIMSELF) is the original Designer (OG) and He created mankind “N His Image” (Genesis One Twenty Seven). “N His Image” is my vehicle to get His message out into the market place and capture a tribe of people looking to connect to truth and eternal life, not organized religion.

N His Image is not just a line of clothing but meant to be a picture of true Kingdom Culture, a community of people inspired and influenced by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, those who want to live a powerful righteous lifestyle that will influence others, not in word but in deed.

Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world", which lets us know there is this world and the “kingdom of God”. Jesus is not merely the picture men has portrayed Him to be as endlessly hanging on a cross, yes, He did that but the power we have is that He has risen from the dead, and no man has that testimony!

Therefore, because He rose we as believers in Him, can rise too from our circumstances and situations on a daily basis.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'Thank you, Lord Jesus!' Excited young man lands job --

A young man gives glory to God for getting a chance to let his concerns be heard to President Barack Obama and to that I say Amen!

'Thank you, Lord Jesus!' Excited young man lands job -- for a day -- after asking Obama a question - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God the Creator created all men even Darwin "N His Image"

February 12, 2009 will be the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln.
Two men great in their own ways.

Today men still follow of teachings of that great the scientist Darwin who once struggled with between being a preacher, being depressed and finding truth,unfortunatley he searched through temporary things seen, instead of the eternal things not seen.

Just like all mankind (believe it or not) Darwin was a man created in the image of God.

God loves seekers of truth.
Jesus said "IAM the Way the Truth and the light"

Facts. Science. Theory.

God created man in His image. (Genesis 1:27)
Man made religion.
Men be geniuses yet the created, can never be greater than the Creator.

Seek Truth.
Truth is not a religion.
Shed Aimlessness.
Seek Eternal Life.
The message of the cross is foolish to those who are perishing... 1 Corinthians 1:18

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Real World is the Kingdom of God

Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36) with that said, two worlds must exists.

A temporary visible one called earth limited by time, then there is a eternal invisible one called the “Kingdom of God” where time has no place.

Yet, God created them both (Psalms 24:1) this beautiful temporary materialistic world we wake up to each day and the Kingdom of God, which is the real eternal world.

Jesus had twelve disciples, they asked Him to teach them “How to Pray” and He said “when you pray, pray to our Father in heaven that His Kingdom would come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10) We must be conscious of both heaven and earth God is Creator of all.

Here’s the kicker, not one of us have to believe it, God is God all by Himself and needs no man to validate who He is.Our belief nor disbelief has the power to change anything.

The Bible is God's word it is the place we find b.asic i.nstruction b.efore l.eaving e.arth.

Moses asked God who should I tell the children of Israel, who sent me, God said tell them IAM that IAM sent you. (Exodus 3:14)

The Kingdom is a mystery, not spooky and when you begin to see the Kingdom your life will start to change forever. I’m not talking about religions, I’m talking about Truth and Truth is Not a religion.

Truth is a Person His name is Jesus Christ. He said I am the Way the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6) No man comes to the Father expect by Me.

I thought this old school song called “Wake up everybody” - no more sleeping in bed no more backward thinking time for thinking ahead, the world has change so very much from what it used to be there is so much hatered war and poverty.

Psalms 86:11 Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"So Help Me God"

President Barack Obama swears in. When God is for you He is more than the world against you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lawsuit Over 'God' in the Presidential Oath

To God be the glory! Eight days from today (a new beginning) we will have our first ever black American in history to be sworn in as the President of the United States! Yet, we have a lawsuit filed by a atheist wanting to keep President Obama from saying "so help me God" when he takes the oath of office.

1 Corinthians 1:18 The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are Pershing...

Inside the Lawsuit Over 'God' in the Presidential Oath | Newsweek BeliefWatch: Lisa Miller |