Saturday, March 05, 2005

Man and Woman,Wife, Husband, Widow, Widower Banished From all Ontario Law

Truly we are living in the last days...
Regardless to what new laws men may come up with, the fact still remains that according to God who is "the ancient of days" and the original creator of the "institution of marriage" which He made for a man and a woman, (even if every one agreed with same sex marriage) it's still the only marriage that's valid in His eyes.

When you been blessed to have eyes to see...that this is not a flesh and blood issue, but a spirit that's as old as Sodom and Gomorarah, and that a natural mind can not understand spirtiual things.. just remember "love never fails".. and pray like never before. So the question we should ask ourself is "can we discern the time and season we are now in" 2 Timothy 3:1 But know this, that in the last days... dangerous times will come, men would become lovers of themselves, lovers of money..... This is only a sign of the times

�Man and Woman�, �Wife�, �Husband�, �Widow�, �Widower� Banished From all Ontario Law

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