I think Kirk may really love God but even more important God loves him. However there is an sly enemy of all men's souls. It's amazing how the church seems to fall into the entertainment model of the world. The show "Sunday Best" is following after the worldly TV show "American Idol" the word IDOL should give us a clue, not to follow it. The Kingdom of God is to be established on the earth as it is in heaven, not follow the world.
I have often wondered why do Christian Celebrities give glory to other Christians who are winners the the "worlds" Grammy Award?
Meanwhile, just like American Idol "Sunday Best " has Christian Celebrities sitting in the judgment seat judging Gods people singing for Him, determining who has the best voices so they can win contracts, cars and become rich and famous like the stars?
Chances are the producers and those giving the contracts will also make money off the winners too. And why is it that Christians seem to be so impressed by Divas and Grammy awards the world gives?(which
Beyonce says "a Diva is a female version of a hustler")
The Word of God is clear, (John 15: 18) "the world loves its own" now the question is, if the world loves its own, but is giving Christian Celebrities awards, could they see the church as the world too?
Just a thought; Why did Jesus say (John 15 18-19) "the world will hate you because the hated Me first, If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you".
Could it be that some of the church is living in deception?
The more I see the condition of the church the more it looks like its in "Babylonian captivity" and don't even know it.
2Timothy 4:8
In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day;
Its time for the Church to WAKE UP and see we are living in perilous times. 2 Timothy - In the last days difficult times would come, men would become lovers of self, money, boastful, arrogant,...
2Timothy 3:13
all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
KIRK FRANKLIN: Trying His "Best" for BET - Entertainment Newswire Black Voices